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  • blackcatwhitedogcr

Happy Thanksgiving Eve 🦃

I have much to be grateful for!! I am healthy, my babies are healthy, as is my family and friends. I am creating the buisness and life I want and I see amazing abundance in my future. I have many of you to thank for the sucess of Blakcat White Dog Creations and for that I say thank you!!

For all of you who missed the Holistic Healing Fair and want to get a tarot reading, please join me at Wild Mind Studio for Deni's Grand Opening!!!! Saturday, November 25th!! The grand opening is from 10-6, get those stocking stuffers! I'll be reading cards from 11:30-4 (got to get home to feed the babies), 6 card spreads for $10, and I'll have smokeless smudge spray availble for $15.

Enjoy your day tomorrow no matter how you celebrate. Manifest that abundance and spill that gratitude EVERYWHERE!!!! Black Friday it up if you are so inclinded and Small Saturday your local shops. Remember handmade is heart warming 😍

Keep a gratitude journal and write down at least one thing you're grateful for each day. Then for everything you write down, write down something else that hasn't happend yet. Put a star next to it so that you know it's something that you're setting an intention for. For example: Today I'm grateful for cute animal videos. Today I am grateful because I'm now a millionaire. Every few months review your journal to see how many things you have to be grateful for and see how many starred intentions came true. -Season of the Witch: Yule Oracle

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